Chem-Wise Bed Bug Treatment
Serving the entire Chicagoland area including Naperville, Aurora, Joliet, Schaumburg, and Rockford

Chem-Wise Bed Bug Treatment
Serving the entire Chicagoland area including Naperville, Aurora, Joliet, Schaumburg, and Rockford


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Signs of Bedbugs
Bed bugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals. Their color ranges from nearly white or a light tan to a deep brown or burnt orange. Bed bugs are generally active at night while the hosts are asleep. Bed bugs seek out people and animals, generally at night while these hosts are asleep, and can do so painlessly. The skin lesion produced by the bite of a bed bug resembles those caused by many other kinds of blood feeding insects, such as mosquitoes or fleas. Fortunately, bed bugs are not known to transmit any infectious agents. Signs that you may have a bed bug infestation include itchy skin, rashes, blood stains on your sheets or pillow cases, dark or rusty spots of bed bug excrement or egg shells and skin that has been shed.

Why We Treat
There are several reasons why you should treat bed bugs once you’ve realized you have an infestation. There can be health problems associated with bed bugs such as skin rashes, psychological effects and allergic reactions. In serious infestations and frequent attacks, the psychological effects can include anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Bed bugs hide in small crevices and can easily spread between rooms and apartments, and on your clothes or luggage when you leave your home. Early intervention can help stop the spread of these pests. Taking care of bed bugs will give you peace of mind and help you sleep comfortably at night knowing there is no longer a problem to worry about. Click Here to learn the proper ways to be prepared for us to come out and perform a bed bug service.

Why Choose Chem-Wise Pest Control?

- Locally Owned & Operated Since 1993
- Multiple Locations in Chicagoland
- One-Hour Appointment Windows
- Cash, Check & All Major Credit Cards Accepted
- Residential & Commercial Services
- Free Phone Quotes

- A+ BBB Rated
- Licensed & Insured In Illinois
- We Use Environmentally Friendly Materials
- Application Methods are Safe for Children and Pets
- QualityPro Certified
- Treatment Guarantees
Why Choose Chem-Wise To Treat Bed Bugs?
Inspection of infected area by certified technician
Effective two-part treatment
Encasements for mattresses and box springs
Prices for bed bug residential inspections start at $175. Call for additional pricing details.

(312) 702-1743
(312) 702-1743(815) 768-1442
(815) 768-1442(630) 868-9805
(630) 868-9805(708) 390-3041
(708) 390-3041(847) 999-4598
(847) 999-4598(815) 219-7521
(815) 219-7521(815) 676-4248
(815) 676-4248(815) 315-9622
(815) 315-9622Licenses
Illinois Department Of Health051-015881
Illinois Department Of Health
Illinois Department Of Health